Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Trash Blog

1."I learned that the world revolves around money."
I think that Olivia's perspective on money is very similar to the truth. The world really does seem like it revolves around money. People can't survive without it unless they steal what they need. People are always being judged on how much money they or their family has when really it doesn't matter. A poor family can be just as happy as a family with millions in their bank account. I think that Olivia's experience at the Behala dump site changed her from someone who had a lot of money and used it to travel the world and make her happy to someone who used her money to help other people like the people at the dump site.

2. The article with the most liberal or anti-Zapanta perspective would be the University Voice because the whole article is about Zapanta being a bad vice-president. The article talks about how they need someone "fresh and new" not "bad greedy old men." it says that he is "lining his pockets" and he has the "blackest heart." The article that seemed the most conservative or pro Zapanta was the Star Extra. The Star Extra talks about a "professional investigation" to find an "undisclosed sum of money". The author talks about how "Vice-President Zapanta... has been constantly dodged by accusations and scandal", and that he "is in considerable distress but remains hopeful." it sounds like the author is almost defending Zapanta.

3.The cemetery was very crowded on the Day of the Dead so it was the perfect time for the boys to take the money without the cops finding them and i think that Andy Mulligan ended the book in this scene because it was a happy scene. Everyone was talking rich and poor they were all dancing and celebrating the dead together and it was a pleasant way to end a book.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Trash Poem

The repulsive black bags lay all around

the grimy children

as they pick their way through one by one

hoping to find something

to make their lives much less burdensome.

The children look

as if they didn’t know what a bath was,

covered in dirt, dust, grease,

and human waste.

Most wish they could have a normal life one day

away from the giant black bags

and storage containers they call home.

Friday, January 27, 2012

MLK Poster

Trash Response Questions/Answers

1. The conditions in the prison were really bad. The prison was very hot and stuffy and it looked like no one had ever cleaned it. It said that no one in the prison got fed unless someone from outside the prison got food and all the prisoners were held in cages. Children would be locked up in the prison for stealing or getting in fights with other people.

2. Olivia and Gardo were able to get in to see Olondrez by showing the guards her passport and I.D. and then they finally allowed her to go into the prison where they waited for a little while and then someone moved them into another waiting room where they waited for a few hours. Finally someone came to talk to them and ask them why they wanted to see Olondrez and he let them in. Plus Olivia bribed them to let her and Gardo into the jail.

3. Raphael learned than Rat had a lot more money than he thought rat did and that rat was born in Sampaolo. And that he can fish.

4. The gardener told Raphael and Rat how he thinks Gabriel smuggled the money out. He said he thinks that when he ordered a new refrigerator he put the $6mil in the old fridge when it got moved out.

5. If I had $6mil I would probably buy a bunch of houses and use one as my families house and put all the others up for rent so I'd always be making money. Then I would buy my mom a car and then I would have her take me to L.A. and we would go shopping for a week and while I was there I would set up multiple meetings with different modeling agency's and then I would use the rest for my brother and sisters college money.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mythological Creatures In Our World

Mythological Creatures: In Our World

What if our world actually had mythological creatures living in it? If so what would happen to our world if people found out about it? Would we take them into a lab and use them as experiments or leave them in their magical land? Or would the creatures kill us all and take over the world.

We would need proof that these animals are alive before we could figure out what we were going to do with them; unfortunately we do not have that. When you think about it though, all a unicorn is, is a horse with a horn on its head: it doesn’t have to be magical. Same with a dragon. All it is is a flying dinosaur, like a Pterodactyl...(that breaths fire.) Or a fairy... just a human mixed with a butterfly, shrunk down to five or six inches and then given magical powers that are scientifically impossible.

What would our community be like if we had magical creatures living with us? Would it be any different? Imagine walking home and having a bird poop on your head, now imagine that a Pegasus was flying over you when it had to poop...Not to pleasant. And trolls, if people feel bad when they accidentally hit a dog with their car, imagine how they’d feel if they hit a poor tiny troll! Our world would be chaotic unless there were some new laws. Fairies and Pixies would be buzzing around you all day telling you about all your flaws. The Phoenix would probably try to take over the land while the Kraken tried to take control of the seas. It seems like the only good thing that would come out of these creatures would be brownies. Not the chocolaty brownies people eat, but the tiny people that are the size of gnomes that live under your house. At night when everyone is asleep they clean your house for you and if you leave a broken toy or anything broken, by their little door, they will fix it. Plus, if you leave out the right ingredients the Brownies will bake you whatever they can using what you left out. So, not only do you have a sparkling clean house and a fixed toy when you wake up but you also have a nice yummy treat. Brownies are better than any house-keeper you could ever dream of having including Quanswela.

But, even with the amazing Brownies in mind, this world seems like it would be way to screwed up for a normal human mind to process if these mythological creatures were found and brought here. Besides, how do we even know that they would breathe air or drink water? We don’t. We don’t even know if they are alive. After thinking it over it seems like it’s a good thing that we don’t know if they exist or not because I think most peoples lives are crazy enough without having to throw non-existent animals with magical powers into their lives.