I have an iPod touch that i use a lot for music and games. I dropped it once and it cracked and somebody cracked it even more and its really slow and old so i want a new one. I have 3 t.v's in my house. a Nintendo d.s. and a game boy and a playstation2 and 3 but our p.s. 3 broke. And i have a DVD player and a play station portable and a Wii. my parents have two cell phones and i never really use any of it. Oh, and i have a radio which is the only thing i use besides my iPod. The rest nobody uses anymore because its really old and boring now.
In ten years anything could happen like, every kid just has like iPads the size of like a regular notebook and they use that to write on and turn in essay's and study and stuff and in 50 years i have no idea what technology will be like but since i'll probably be alive in 50 years i'll find out then.
nice technology post